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And that's what my phone has to say about that...

And that's what my phone has to say about that... - for a long time we built this blog Maxtron News with the intention to advance the knowledge of the community about technological developments that continue to advance, because not everyone can enjoy the technology, so you will we present the technology news according to what you need, now we will discuss first about And that's what my phone has to say about that... please refer to the information we provide we feel quite complete because we summarize from reliable sources.

Articles : And that's what my phone has to say about that...
full Link : And that's what my phone has to say about that...
Article camera, Article Cats, Article cooking, Article Creativity, Article family, Article Humor, Article nature, Article photography, Article Spring, Article This is Me,

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And that's what my phone has to say about that...

My month according to my phone:

*nothin' ununsual here.*
*fox fetish*
*the sun came out! 2nd day of Spring!*
*baking breads*
*this is how the cat likes to sit and watch me study Astronomy*
*homemade fettuccine and orecchiette pasta*
*husband, cat and I playing cribbage*
*painting watercolor poppies*
*cutifying my pantry*
*spy eyes*
*As you can maybe tell, I am not an Instagramer. Main reason: I don't have a smart phone and I don't care too, really. I actually hate phones of all kinds. I occasionally take quick pictures on my phone, like these, usually for the purpose of texting a friend or family member. But for real photography I would much rather use my Canon D-SLR.

*as you can also tell, my life greatly revolves around my spoiled catson. Cat lady to the core, right here! Maybe I ought to take pictures of my husband...or things other than art projects, Trink and foods...hmmm....

just so much information And that's what my phone has to say about that...

hopefully the article that we make this And that's what my phone has to say about that... can be useful for you in adding science about gadgets that continue to advance.

you just read the article with title And that's what my phone has to say about that... if you wish to bookmark or share it please use link to get more information please visit our other blog page.

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