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Night Shot for 52Frames

Night Shot for 52Frames - for a long time we built this blog Maxtron News with the intention to advance the knowledge of the community about technological developments that continue to advance, because not everyone can enjoy the technology, so you will we present the technology news according to what you need, now we will discuss first about Night Shot for 52Frames please refer to the information we provide we feel quite complete because we summarize from reliable sources.

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Article 52Frames, Article Canon IXUS 145, Article photography,

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Night Shot for 52Frames

I tried all sorts of ways to get a decent night shot. Many of the other photographers have these fancy cameras with all sorts of controls and lenses. They keep telling me, in comments by my photos that my camera also has controls. Hah! Try to control it and read the menu especially at night. I've tried clicking all sorts of things, and it just doesn't do what the Canon site claims it can. And I can't trust automatic, because I don't want a flash to go off. Anyhow, I got a halfway decent shot, or so I think, considering all...

Here in Shiloh, our main synagogue is modeled after the Biblical Tabernacle which had "rested" here in Shiloh for almost four hundred years. A few months ago, it didn't look so bright and well-lit at night, but since then it has undergone a major sprucing up.
Camera: Canon Canon IXUS 145
Shutter: 1/8th of a second
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 800
Location: Shiloh, Israel
One night last week, I wandered around with my camera and a little tripod. I set it up on benches and walls. That's when I took the picture of the synagogue. Before then I had taken a couple I liked. Here's #2 choice:

The Pool at Night
And there were a few others I liked, but I knew they weren't up to standard. Ort maybe I haven't a clue as to what "standard" really is.

just so much information Night Shot for 52Frames

hopefully the article that we make this Night Shot for 52Frames can be useful for you in adding science about gadgets that continue to advance.

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